1: // Copyright (C) 1985-1998 by Symantec
  2: // Copyright (C) 2000-2009 by Digital Mars
  3: // All Rights Reserved
  4: // http://www.digitalmars.com
  5: // Written by Walter Bright
  6: /*
  7:  * This source file is made available for personal use
  8:  * only. The license is in /dmd/src/dmd/backendlicense.txt
  9:  * or /dm/src/dmd/backendlicense.txt
 10:  * For any other uses, please contact Digital Mars.
 11:  */
 13: #if !SPP
 15: #include        <stdio.h>
 16: #include        <time.h>
 18: #include        "cc.h"
 19: #include        "oper.h"
 20: #include        "global.h"
 21: #include        "code.h"
 22: #include        "type.h"
 24: static char __file__[] = __FILE__;      /* for tassert.h                */
 25: #include        "tassert.h"
 27: /*********************************
 28:  * Struct for each elem:
 29:  *      Helem   pointer to elem
 30:  *      Hhash   hash value for the elem
 31:  */
 33: typedef struct HCS
 34:         {       elem    *Helem;
 35:                 unsigned Hhash;
 36:         } hcs;
 38: static hcs *hcstab = NULL;              /* array of hcs's               */
 39: static unsigned hcsmax = 0;             /* max index into hcstab[]      */
 40: static unsigned hcstop;                 /* # of entries in hcstab[]     */
 41: static unsigned touchstari;
 42: static unsigned touchfunci[2];
 44: // Use a bit vector for quick check if expression is possibly in hcstab[].
 45: // This results in much faster compiles when hcstab[] gets big.
 46: static vec_t csvec;                     // vector of used entries
 47: #define CSVECDIM        16001 //8009 //3001     // dimension of csvec (should be prime)
 49: STATIC void ecom(elem **);
 50: STATIC unsigned cs_comphash(elem *);
 51: STATIC void addhcstab(elem *,int);
 52: STATIC void touchlvalue(elem *);
 53: STATIC void touchfunc(int);
 54: STATIC void touchstar(void);
 55: STATIC void touchaccess(elem *);
 57: /*******************************
 58:  * Eliminate common subexpressions across extended basic blocks.
 59:  * String together as many blocks as we can.
 60:  */
 62: void comsubs()
 63: { register block *bl,*blc,*bln;
 64:   register int n;                       /* # of blocks to treat as one  */
 66: //static int xx;
 67: //printf("comsubs() %d\n", ++xx);
 68: //debugx = (xx == 37);
 70: #ifdef DEBUG
 71:   if (debugx) dbg_printf("comsubs(%p)\n",startblock);
 72: #endif
 74:   // No longer do we just compute Bcount. We now eliminate unreachable
 75:   // blocks.
 76:   block_compbcount();                   // eliminate unreachable blocks
 77: #if SCPP
 78:   if (errcnt)
 79:         return;
 80: #endif
 82:   if (!csvec)
 83:   {
 84:         csvec = vec_calloc(CSVECDIM);
 85:   }
 87:   for (bl = startblock; bl; bl = bln)
 88:   {
 89:         bln = bl->Bnext;
 90:         if (!bl->Belem)
 91:                 continue;       /* if no expression or no parents       */
 93:         // Count up n, the number of blocks in this extended basic block (EBB)
 94:         n = 1;                          // always at least one block in EBB
 95:         blc = bl;
 96:         while (bln && list_nitems(bln->Bpred) == 1 &&
 97:                 ((blc->BC == BCiftrue &&
 98:                   list_block(list_next(blc->Bsucc)) == bln) ||
 99:                  (blc->BC == BCgoto && list_block(blc->Bsucc) == bln)
100:                 ) &&
101:                bln->BC != BCasm         // no CSE's extending across ASM blocks
102:               )
103:         {
104:                 n++;                    // add block to EBB
105:                 blc = bln;
106:                 bln = blc->Bnext;
107:         }
108:         vec_clear(csvec);
109:         hcstop = 0;
110:         touchstari = 0;
111:         touchfunci[0] = 0;
112:         touchfunci[1] = 0;
113:         bln = bl;
114:         while (n--)                     // while more blocks in EBB
115:         {
116: #ifdef DEBUG
117:                 if (debugx)
118:                         dbg_printf("cses for block %p\n",bln);
119: #endif
120:                 if (bln->Belem)
121:                     ecom(&bln->Belem);  // do the tree
122:                 bln = bln->Bnext;
123:         }
124:   }
126: #ifdef DEBUG
127:   if (debugx)
128:         dbg_printf("done with comsubs()\n");
129: #endif
130: }
132: /*******************************
133:  */
135: void cgcs_term()
136: {
137:     vec_free(csvec);
138:     csvec = NULL;
139: #ifdef DEBUG
140:     debugw && dbg_printf("freeing hcstab\n");
141: #endif
142: #if TX86
143:     util_free(hcstab);
144: #else
145:     MEM_PARF_FREE(hcstab);
146: #endif
147:     hcstab = NULL;
148:     hcsmax = 0;
149: }
151: /*************************
152:  * Eliminate common subexpressions for an element.
153:  */
155: STATIC void ecom(elem **pe)
156: { int i,op,hcstopsave;
157:   unsigned hash;
158:   elem *e,*ehash;
159:   tym_t tym;
161:   e = *pe;
162:   assert(e);
163:   elem_debug(e);
164: #ifdef DEBUG
165:   assert(e->Ecount == 0);
166:   //assert(e->Ecomsub == 0);
167: #endif
168:   tym = tybasic(e->Ety);
169:   op = e->Eoper;
170:   switch (op)
171:   {
172:     case OPconst:
173:     case OPvar:
174:     case OPrelconst:
175:         break;
176:     case OPstreq:
177:     case OPpostinc:
178:     case OPpostdec:
179:     case OPeq:
180:     case OPaddass:
181:     case OPminass:
182:     case OPmulass:
183:     case OPdivass:
184:     case OPmodass:
185:     case OPshrass:
186:     case OPashrass:
187:     case OPshlass:
188:     case OPandass:
189:     case OPxorass:
190:     case OPorass:
191: #if TX86
192:         /* Reverse order of evaluation for double op=. This is so that  */
193:         /* the pushing of the address of the second operand is easier.  */
194:         /* However, with the 8087 we don't need the kludge.             */
195:         if (op != OPeq && tym == TYdouble && !config.inline8087)
196:         {       if (EOP(e->E1))
197:                         ecom(&e->E1->E1);
198:                 ecom(&e->E2);
199:         }
200:         else
201: #endif
202:         {
203:             /* Don't mark the increment of an i++ or i-- as a CSE, if it */
204:             /* can be done with an INC or DEC instruction.               */
205:             if (!(OTpost(op) && elemisone(e->E2)))
206:                 ecom(&e->E2);           /* evaluate 2nd operand first   */
207:     case OPnegass:
208:             if (EOP(e->E1))             /* if lvalue is an operator     */
209:             {
210: #ifdef DEBUG
211:                 if (e->E1->Eoper != OPind)
212:                     elem_print(e);
213: #endif
214:                 assert(e->E1->Eoper == OPind);
215:                 ecom(&(e->E1->E1));
216:             }
217:         }
218:         touchlvalue(e->E1);
219:         if (!OTpost(op))                /* lvalue of i++ or i-- is not a cse*/
220:         {
221:             hash = cs_comphash(e->E1);
222:             vec_setbit(hash % CSVECDIM,csvec);
223:             addhcstab(e->E1,hash);              // add lvalue to hcstab[]
224:         }
225:         return;
227:     case OPbtc:
228:     case OPbts:
229:     case OPbtr:
230:         ecom(&e->E1);
231:         ecom(&e->E2);
232:         touchfunc(0);                   // indirect assignment
233:         return;
235:     case OPandand:
236:     case OPoror:
237:         ecom(&e->E1);
238:         hcstopsave = hcstop;
239:         ecom(&e->E2);
240:         hcstop = hcstopsave;            /* no common subs by E2         */
241:         return;                         /* if comsub then logexp() will */
242:                                         /* break                        */
243:     case OPcond:
244:         ecom(&e->E1);
245:         hcstopsave = hcstop;
246:         ecom(&e->E2->E1);               /* left condition               */
247:         hcstop = hcstopsave;            /* no common subs by E2         */
248:         ecom(&e->E2->E2);               /* right condition              */
249:         hcstop = hcstopsave;            /* no common subs by E2         */
250:         return;                         /* can't be a common sub        */
251:     case OPcall:
252:     case OPcallns:
253:         ecom(&e->E2);                   /* eval right first             */
254:         /* FALL-THROUGH */
255:     case OPucall:
256:     case OPucallns:
257:         ecom(&e->E1);
258:         touchfunc(1);
259:         return;
260:     case OPstrpar:                      /* so we don't break logexp()   */
261: #if TX86
262:     case OPinp:                 /* never CSE the I/O instruction itself */
263: #endif
264:     case OPdctor:
265:         ecom(&e->E1);
266:         /* FALL-THROUGH */
267:     case OPasm:
268:     case OPstrthis:             // don't CSE these
269:     case OPframeptr:
270:     case OPgot:
271:     case OPctor:
272:     case OPdtor:
273:     case OPmark:
274:         return;
276:     case OPddtor:
277:         return;
279:     case OPparam:
280: #if TX86
281:     case OPoutp:
282: #endif
283:         ecom(&e->E1);
284:     case OPinfo:
285:         ecom(&e->E2);
286:         return;
287:     case OPcomma:
288:     case OPremquo:
289:         ecom(&e->E1);
290:         ecom(&e->E2);
291:         break;
292:     case OPvptrfptr:
293:     case OPcvptrfptr:
294:         ecom(&e->E1);
295:         touchaccess(e);
296:         break;
297:     case OPind:
298:         ecom(&e->E1);
299:         /* Generally, CSEing a *(double *) results in worse code        */
300:         if (tyfloating(tym))
301:             return;
302:         break;
303: #if TX86
304:     case OPstrcpy:
305:     case OPstrcat:
306:     case OPmemcpy:
307:     case OPmemset:
308:         ecom(&e->E2);
309:     case OPsetjmp:
310:         ecom(&e->E1);
311:         touchfunc(0);
312:         return;
313: #endif
314:     default:                            /* other operators */
315: #if TX86
316: #ifdef DEBUG
317:         if (!EBIN(e)) WROP(e->Eoper);
318: #endif
319:         assert(EBIN(e));
320:     case OPadd:
321:     case OPmin:
322:     case OPmul:
323:     case OPdiv:
324:     case OPor:
325:     case OPxor:
326:     case OPand:
327:     case OPeqeq:
328:     case OPne:
329:     case OPscale:
330:     case OPyl2x:
331:     case OPyl2xp1:
332:         ecom(&e->E1);
333:         ecom(&e->E2);
334:         break;
335: #else
336: #ifdef DEBUG
337:         if (!EOP(e)) WROP(e->Eoper);
338: #endif
339:         assert(EOP(e));
340:         ecom(&e->E1);
341:         if (EBIN(e))
342:                 ecom(&e->E2);           /* eval left first              */
343:         break;
344: #endif
345:     case OPstring:
346:     case OPaddr:
347:     case OPbit:
348: #ifdef DEBUG
349:         WROP(e->Eoper);
350:         elem_print(e);
351: #endif
352:         assert(0);              /* optelem() should have removed these  */
353:         /* NOTREACHED */
355: #if TX86
356:     // Explicitly list all the unary ops for speed
357:     case OPnot: case OPcom: case OPneg: case OPuadd:
358:     case OPabs: case OPsqrt: case OPrndtol: case OPsin: case OPcos: case OPrint:
359:     case OPpreinc: case OPpredec:
360:     case OPbool: case OPstrlen: case OPs16_32: case OPu16_32:
361:     case OPd_s32: case OPd_u32: case OPoffset:
362:     case OPs32_d: case OPu32_d: case OPdblint: case OPs16_d: case OPlngsht:
363:     case OPd_f: case OPf_d:
364:     case OPd_ld: case OPld_d:
365:     case OPc_r: case OPc_i:
366:     case OPu8int: case OPs8int: case OPint8:
367:     case OPu32_64: case OPlngllng: case OP64_32: case OPmsw:
368:     case OPu64_128: case OPs64_128: case OP128_64:
369:     case OPd_s64: case OPs64_d: case OPd_u64: case OPu64_d:
370:     case OPstrctor: case OPu16_d: case OPdbluns:
371:     case OPptrlptr: case OPtofar16: case OPfromfar16: case OParrow:
372:     case OPvoid: case OPnullcheck:
373:     case OPbsf: case OPbsr: case OPbswap:
374:     case OPld_u64:
375:         ecom(&e->E1);
376:         break;
377: #endif
378:     case OPhalt:
379:         return;
380:   }
382:   /* don't CSE structures or unions or volatile stuff   */
383:   if (tym == TYstruct ||
384:       tym == TYvoid ||
385:       e->Ety & mTYvolatile
386: #if TX86
387:     // don't CSE doubles if inline 8087 code (code generator can't handle it)
388:       || (tyfloating(tym) && config.inline8087)
389: #endif
390:      )
391:         return;
393:   hash = cs_comphash(e);                /* must be AFTER leaves are done */
395:   /* Search for a match in hcstab[].
396:    * Search backwards, as most likely matches will be towards the end
397:    * of the list.
398:    */
400: #ifdef DEBUG
401:   if (debugx) dbg_printf("elem: %p hash: %6d\n",e,hash);
402: #endif
403:   int csveci = hash % CSVECDIM;
404:   if (vec_testbit(csveci,csvec))
405:   {
406:     for (i = hcstop; i--;)
407:     {
408: #ifdef DEBUG
409:         if (debugx)
410:             dbg_printf("i: %2d Hhash: %6d Helem: %p\n",
411:                 i,hcstab[i].Hhash,hcstab[i].Helem);
412: #endif
413:         if (hash == hcstab[i].Hhash && (ehash = hcstab[i].Helem) != NULL)
414:         {
415:             /* if elems are the same and we still have room for more    */
416:             if (el_match(e,ehash) && ehash->Ecount < 0xFF)
417:             {
418:                 /* Make sure leaves are also common subexpressions
419:                  * to avoid false matches.
420:                  */
421:                 if (!OTleaf(op))
422:                 {
423:                     if (!e->E1->Ecount)
424:                         continue;
425:                     if (OTbinary(op) && !e->E2->Ecount)
426:                         continue;
427:                 }
428:                 ehash->Ecount++;
429:                 *pe = ehash;
430: #ifdef DEBUG
431:                 if (debugx)
432:                         dbg_printf("**MATCH** %p with %p\n",e,*pe);
433: #endif
434:                 el_free(e);
435:                 return;
436:             }
437:         }
438:     }
439:   }
440:   else
441:     vec_setbit(csveci,csvec);
442:   addhcstab(e,hash);                    // add this elem to hcstab[]
443: }
445: /**************************
446:  * Compute hash function for elem e.
447:  */
449: STATIC unsigned cs_comphash(elem *e)
450: {   register int hash;
451:     unsigned op;
453:     elem_debug(e);
454:     op = e->Eoper;
455: #if TX86
456:     hash = (e->Ety & (mTYbasic | mTYconst | mTYvolatile)) + (op << 8);
457: #else
458:     hash = e->Ety + op;
459: #endif
460:     if (!OTleaf(op))
461:     {   hash += (size_t) e->E1;
462:         if (OTbinary(op))
463:                 hash += (size_t) e->E2;
464:     }
465:     else
466:     {   hash += e->EV.Vint;
467:         if (op == OPvar || op == OPrelconst)
468:                 hash += (size_t) e->EV.sp.Vsym;
469:     }
470:     return hash;
471: }
473: /****************************
474:  * Add an elem to the common subexpression table.
475:  * Recompute hash if it is 0.
476:  */
478: STATIC void addhcstab(elem *e,int hash)
479: { unsigned h = hcstop;
481:   if (h >= hcsmax)                      /* need to reallocate table     */
482:   {
483:         assert(h == hcsmax);
484:         // With 32 bit compiles, we've got memory to burn
485:         hcsmax += (__INTSIZE == 4) ? (hcsmax + 128) : 100;
warning C6326: Potential comparison of a constant with another constant
486: assert(h < hcsmax); 487: #if TX86 488: hcstab = (hcs *) util_realloc(hcstab,hcsmax,sizeof(hcs)); 489: #else 490: hcstab = (hcs *) MEM_PARF_REALLOC(hcstab,hcsmax*sizeof(hcs)); 491: #endif 492: //printf("hcstab = %p; hcstop = %d, hcsmax = %d\n",hcstab,hcstop,hcsmax); 493: } 494: hcstab[h].Helem = e; 495: hcstab[h].Hhash = hash; 496: hcstop++; 497: } 498: 499: /*************************** 500: * "touch" the elem. 501: * If it is a pointer, "touch" all the suspects 502: * who could be pointed to. 503: * Eliminate common subs that are indirect loads. 504: */ 505: 506: STATIC void touchlvalue(elem *e) 507: { register int i; 508: 509: if (e->Eoper == OPind) /* if indirect store */ 510: { 511: /* NOTE: Some types of array assignments do not need 512: * to touch all variables. (Like a[5], where a is an 513: * array instead of a pointer.) 514: */ 515: 516: touchfunc(0); 517: return; 518: } 519: 520: for (i = hcstop; --i >= 0;) 521: { if (hcstab[i].Helem && 522: hcstab[i].Helem->EV.sp.Vsym == e->EV.sp.Vsym) 523: hcstab[i].Helem = NULL; 524: } 525: 526: assert(e->Eoper == OPvar || e->Eoper == OPrelconst); 527: switch (e->EV.sp.Vsym->Sclass) 528: { 529: case SCregpar: 530: case SCregister: 531: case SCtmp: 532: case SCpseudo: 533: break; 534: case SCauto: 535: case SCparameter: 536: #if TX86 537: case SCfastpar: 538: case SCbprel: 539: #endif 540: if (e->EV.sp.Vsym->Sflags & SFLunambig) 541: break; 542: /* FALL-THROUGH */ 543: case SCstatic: 544: case SCextern: 545: case SCglobal: 546: case SClocstat: 547: case SCcomdat: 548: case SCinline: 549: case SCsinline: 550: case SCeinline: 551: #if TX86 552: case SCcomdef: 553: #endif 554: touchstar(); 555: break; 556: default: 557: #ifdef DEBUG 558: elem_print(e); 559: symbol_print(e->EV.sp.Vsym); 560: #endif 561: assert(0); 562: } 563: } 564: 565: /************************** 566: * "touch" variables that could be changed by a function call or 567: * an indirect assignment. 568: * Eliminate any subexpressions that are "starred" (they need to 569: * be recomputed). 570: * Input: 571: * flag If !=0, then this is a function call. 572: * If 0, then this is an indirect assignment. 573: */ 574: 575: STATIC void touchfunc(int flag) 576: { register hcs *pe,*petop; 577: register elem *he; 578: 579: //printf("touchfunc(%d)\n", flag); 580: petop = &hcstab[hcstop]; 581: //pe = &hcstab[0]; printf("pe = %p, petop = %p\n",pe,petop); 582: for (pe = &hcstab[0]; pe < petop; pe++) 583: //for (pe = &hcstab[touchfunci[flag]]; pe < petop; pe++) 584: { he = pe->Helem; 585: if (!he) 586: continue; 587: switch (he->Eoper) 588: { 589: case OPvar: 590: switch (he->EV.sp.Vsym->Sclass) 591: { 592: case SCregpar: 593: case SCregister: 594: case SCtmp: 595: break; 596: case SCauto: 597: case SCparameter: 598: #if TX86 599: case SCfastpar: 600: case SCbprel: 601: #endif 602: //printf("he = '%s'\n", he->EV.sp.Vsym->Sident); 603: if (he->EV.sp.Vsym->Sflags & SFLunambig) 604: break; 605: /* FALL-THROUGH */ 606: case SCstatic: 607: case SCextern: 608: #if TX86 609: case SCcomdef: 610: #endif 611: case SCglobal: 612: case SClocstat: 613: case SCcomdat: 614: case SCpseudo: 615: case SCinline: 616: case SCsinline: 617: case SCeinline: 618: if (!(he->EV.sp.Vsym->ty() & mTYconst)) 619: goto L1; 620: break; 621: default: 622: debug(WRclass((enum SC)he->EV.sp.Vsym->Sclass)); 623: assert(0); 624: } 625: break; 626: case OPind: 627: #if TX86 628: case OPstrlen: 629: case OPstrcmp: 630: case OPmemcmp: 631: case OPbt: 632: #endif 633: goto L1; 634: case OPvptrfptr: 635: case OPcvptrfptr: 636: if (flag == 0) /* function calls destroy vptrfptr's, */ 637: break; /* not indirect assignments */ 638: L1: 639: pe->Helem = NULL; 640: break; 641: } 642: } 643: touchfunci[flag] = hcstop;
warning C6386: Buffer overrun: accessing 'touchfunci', the writable size is '8' bytes, but '12' bytes might be written: Lines: 576, 577, 580, 582, 584, 585, 582, 584, 585, 582, 584, 585, 587, 634, 635, 636, 638, 639, 582, 643
644: } 645: 646: 647: /******************************* 648: * Eliminate all common subexpressions that 649: * do any indirection ("starred" elems). 650: */ 651: 652: STATIC void touchstar() 653: { register int i; 654: register elem *e; 655: 656: for (i = touchstari; i < hcstop; i++)
warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
657: { e = hcstab[i].Helem; 658: if (e && (e->Eoper == OPind || e->Eoper == OPbt) /*&& !(e->Ety & mTYconst)*/) 659: hcstab[i].Helem = NULL; 660: } 661: touchstari = hcstop; 662: } 663: 664: /***************************************** 665: * Eliminate any common subexpressions that could be modified 666: * if a handle pointer access occurs. 667: */ 668: 669: STATIC void touchaccess(elem *ev) 670: { register int i; 671: register elem *e; 672: 673: ev = ev->E1; 674: for (i = 0; i < hcstop; i++)
warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
675: { e = hcstab[i].Helem; 676: /* Invalidate any previous handle pointer accesses that */ 677: /* are not accesses of ev. */ 678: if (e && (e->Eoper == OPvptrfptr || e->Eoper == OPcvptrfptr) && 679: e->E1 != ev) 680: hcstab[i].Helem = NULL; 681: } 682: } 683: 684: #endif // !SPP 685: